Jaime Angus Physiotherapy

Postpartum Care
Pregnancy and delivery take a toll on a woman’s body.
Seeing a pelvic health physiotherapist in the postpartum period is important for rehabilitation and preventative pelvic health care.
Having carried and birthed a baby either by cesarian section or vaginally are risk factors to developing pelvic floor dysfunction.

Commonly Treated Conditions
Incontinence (bladder or bowel)
Inability to control the passage of gas
Feeling of instability in the pelvis, low back, pubic bone, or sacroiliac joints
Hip/pelvis or low back pain
Pelvic organ prolapse
Perineal pain
Pain at the site of a tear, episiotomy, or c-section scar
Decreased sensation
Pain with intercourse
Weakened pelvic floor and core musculature
Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
The Physical Examination
The physical examination includes a whole-body assessment.
Components will include:
Postural assessment
Breathing evaluation
Range of motion of the neck, back and hips
Observations of the abdominal wall and perineum
Scar tissue assessment (episiotomy, perineal tears, c-section)
An intravaginal and/or rectal examination of the perineum.

The methods used are always based on your comfort and consent. I will discuss all options with you during your assessment.
An individualized treatment plan is developed based on assessment findings. This may include education regarding posture, breathing, proper toileting techniques, bladder training/urge delay techniques, prolapse reduction techniques, bladder irritants, perineum care, perineum support and evacuation techniques and abdominal massage.
Manual techniques to address adhesions and scar tissue that may occur with episiotomies, tears, or C-section scars are a key component of treatment.
Techniques that are utilized include myofascial, mobilizations, visceral manipulation and biofeedback. An individualized home exercise program will also be provided to release and/or strengthen with a whole body approach including the pelvic floor.

What to Expect at Your Visit
Your assessment will commence with hearing your story. A review of your description of your symptoms and concerns, medical and surgical history, your lifestyle, functional abilities (and limitations), social or emotional issues and your personal goals you would like to achieve with therapy.
Specific questions depending on your issues may include:
Birthing/Pregnancy history
Bladder/bowel habits
Pelvic/hip/low back/neck pain
Pain with intercourse
Pelvic Pressure
Leakage of urine or stool​
These are very personal and sensitive questions for most; rest assured that your comfort and consent are of the utmost importance.